Choose one of the data sets below to run. In each case, the data set is run against a whole genome background, using the basal plus extension genomic association rule with its default values.

Set Experiment Set size Species Cell/tissue type Reference GREAT Enrichment Highlights
ChIP-seq 556   Human (hg19) Jurkat Valouev et al. 2008 Actin-related terms
ChIP-seq 1,712   Human (hg19) Jurkat Valouev et al. 2008 Neurotransmitters and ion channels
ChIP-seq 2,105   Mouse (mm10) Embryonic limb E11.5 Visel et al. 2009 Embryonic limb development
481   Human (hg19) N/A Bejerano et al. 2004 Transcription regulation and developmental defects
GWAS 235   Human (hg19) N/A NHGRI compendium Bone growth terms